Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dustworld: Radia

Radia is very different from either Astoria or Dredge. A very strict theocracy, the country is ruled by a council of five clerics known as the Tetrarchs that are elected by their peers from each of the five districts of the nation. Their religion is carefully cultivated, and while many of the low-ranking clerics are true servants of the gods they serve, most of those in the upper echelons of the church have been seduced and influenced by the power they hold. The religion of the Tetrarchs is officially known as The Radiant Pantheon, most simply call their followers Radiants. The Radiant Pantheon consists of five deities, each of which holds sway over specific areas of life, and who are believed to be equals. In reality the deities are in near-constant states of minor conflict with each other, each vying with the others to attract more worshipers and thus gain further power.
Even though most radiants are unaware of the conflict among their deities, it spills over into their lives in the form of intense competitiveness and constant minor strife in their society. Unlike Dredge--where skill at arms makes a master--the competition within Radia can be found in nearly any form. From boxing to baking, every radiant seeks to be better than their peers, and in turn gain further distinction from their gods. It is a natural outflow of this competitive nature that Radia's borders are nearly always encroaching on Astoria's.
The clerics of the Radiant Pantheon are not exempt from this competition, in fact they have it somewhat worse. Nearly all radiant clerics are trained for battle, and all are more than willing to subdue an audience for their sermons by brute force, declaring all the while that it proves the truth of their gods' power.
While many outside of Radia find the radiants to be odd and more than a little terrifying, there are followers of the Radiant Pantheon to be found outside its borders. Because of their constant strife, the gods of the Pantheon tend to be a bit more attached to their followers than most deities, and they are quick to bestow blessing on their most devoted followers.
Radia itself is largely agricultural; with only one major city, and dozens of smaller towns. Even these towns are frequently little more than a market and houses for farmhands. Despite this lack of urban centers, Radia has a massive population. Bearing healthy children and having a large household are simply two more things to compete on for the radiants. The massive amount of agriculture in Radia is mostly out of necessity; there are a lot of mouths to feed.
The massive population of Radia means constant trouble to its neighbor Astoria. Despite the skill and mastery of its legions, Astoria's military can field but a fraction of Radia's power. When the Tetrarchs call for a march to war, most of the country picks up whatever weapons they have and march. While casualties in battle are often heavy, the clerics are usually able to save most from death's clutches. There is little in the way of tactics for Radia's military; most battle orders begin and end with a bellowed, "Charge!" from the clerics in the front line.

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